Krystle Coe
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

About Me

There's been a lot of gaining and losing over the years. I've had 5 pregnancies over the last 15 years and three out of those five resulted in miscarriages. Two of those three were just this last year (2021). I didn't know how to proceed in taking care of my body post trauma. I didn't know that trauma took such a toll on one's body, until experiencing it firsthand. My first loss in March of 2021 was a Missed Miscarriage at 6 weeks and my second was in August of 2021 at the beginning of my second trimester. I saw and held my son...

It. Was. Hell. 

I fought against my body, mind and spirit for months. I would say such hateful things in my mind towards my body because it "failed" me. I welcomed the weight gain during my pregnancies but all of a sudden, like the flip of a switch, loathed that weight when my body failed to give life to my children. 

Fitness isn't just about how you look. It's also about resilience, strength, and perseverance. Getting up again and again no matter how you feel or what you think your life "should be." If I can teach anyone from being a personal trainer, it's this:

Life is hard. Life throws curveball after curveball sometimes and no matter what circumstance, or how many times you're knocked down, staying down isn't an option. Rising is a must and it doesn't matter how many times you have to rise...

Just. Rise. 

Patience. I HAD to give my body time to recover from all of the trauma and stress it was under...and I was under it for for about six months. Grief doesn't just "take a hike" when you're ready for it to go. 

But now...

I figured it out. I have my weaknesses (as we all do). I figured out that drinking a whole pot of coffee was increasing my already HIGH cortisol levels and was making me inflamed. So, I am working on (again) cutting back to 2-2 1/2 cups a day. I also noticed that lower carbohydrate consumption helped me lose inches BUT it's not something that can be sustained for me. A lot of restrictions. 

Right now, I'm focusing on eating healthy, working out and controlling my coffee intake. That is doable for me and something that can be sustained over a long period of time. Now, will there be days where I'll have too much coffee? Yes but it's the drinking a whole pot EVERYDAY that was causing issues. 

Come along on this journey with me as we work together to establish and continue a healthy lifestyle! 

Thank you for reading. 

Much Love,
